The Dreaming Boy is a Realist is a anime where the girl rejects the boy and immediately regrets it.

The Dreaming Boy is a Realist anime revolves around the protagonist, Wataru Sajou, who doesn’t know what it means to give up? When it comes to love?

Aika Natsukawa, Wataru’s long-time crush keeps rejecting him every time, he asks her out. Wataru’s resolve to keep chasing Natsukawa even after getting rejected is unmatched.

Featuring from the ‘Revenge’ mini Saga 10 Unrequited Love quotes from The Dreaming Boy is a Realist

Previously on the ‘Revenge’ mini Saga,

1. What has Wataru’s Romantic experience taught him?

When I’m with a girl, I’ve learnt through romantic experience that I shouldn’t talk about other girls.

2. How was Wataru’s First Rejection?

A plain looking guy like you, look who’s talking, with a face like that? Anyway it was an awful way to reject me

3. Wataru Sojou quotes his First Love

As I got hit and went flying off, Aika was walking behind me and my face rammed into her breasts. Aika simultaneously screamed and slapped my face. That’s when I fell for her.

4. Aika Natsukawa Quotes

To mock a person for liking someone was the worst behavior as a human and she got angry on them. After that I couldn’t see anything but Aika.

5. Wataru Sojo quotes his True Love at First sight Story

It may have been love at first sight at the beginning but in the end, the reason why I became serious was because I couldn’t forget that kindness from that first time she held out her hand

6. Is Wataru a Creep?

You’re like usually totally unfazed, or rather, if any, you come at me. In any case you’re creepy, you know?

7. Natsukawa being Annoyed at Wataru for not chasing after her any more

But lately, you haven’t been annoying at all and you’re not chasing me like before and it’s like you’ve become too reasonable or something

8. The Dreaming boy is a realist quotes Rejection

No mmatter how much you’d reject me or drive me off, I wouldn’t become discouraged

9. Wataru has Given up on his love

Well, I did harass you mercilessly up until now. I want to say that I am not going to follow you around anymore. So, from now on, I look forward to us being more or less classmates.

10. The Dreaming boy is a Realist quotes Happiness

From here on, as someone who has been rejected, I shall support her from afar and hope for her happiness

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